The course exposes a range of issues and practices in educational inquiry and research. Procedures and methodologies necessary to pursue research problems in measurement, evaluation, and applied statistics are investigated. There is an overview of educational research methods including validity and reliability of data and practical considerations in planning, conducting and disseminating research outcomes and improving research. The course provides students with skills and knowledge needed for qualitative and quantitative inquiry as well as critiques of research. An overview of appropriate statistical tests in quantitative inquiry, including univariate and multivariate statistics, are covered.
The course is in two parts. The first part focuses on a critical examination of various scholars' theoretical perspectives on fundamental issues in evaluation practice. The course is an advanced study of programme evaluation in education and related fields, including investigating its purposes and procedures, with attention to settings, personnel, and performance; review of principal theories; and study of models, histories, political contexts, ethics, and the nature of evidence. The second part focuses on the application of evaluation theories and models in answering questions in education and dealing with educational problems. Students will deal with clarifying an evaluation request and responsibilities, setting boundaries and analysing an evaluation context, identifying and selecting the evaluative questions and criteria, planning the information collection, analysis and interpretation. It also deals with developing a management plan for the evaluation, collecting evaluation information, analysing, interpreting, reporting and using evaluation information and conducting meta-evaluations.
This course focuses on the design, development, and implementation of performance-based assessment. Task analysis and design, scoring scheme development and use, and assessment deployment, are covered through critique and practice. Emphasis is on a description of performance and portfolio assessment within the larger continuum of assessment methods, advantages and disadvantages of performance-based assessment versus other assessment methods, authentic and alternative assessment, and reliability and validity issues. Students will design and create a complete, packaged performance assessment.
The course deals with the statistical processes of determining comparable scores on different forms of a test and adjusting for test difficulty differences so that only real differences in performance are reported. It deals with concepts of equating including equating properties, equating designs, equating methods, equating error and statistical assumptions necessary for equating. Computation of equating functions and the interpretation of results from equating analyses are covered. The importance of equating to test development and quality control measures are discussed. The use and interpretation of relevant statistical software will also be treated. Students will design a reasonable and useful equating study and conduct equating in a realistic testing situation.
In this course students are introduced to the design and statistical principles of the experimental approach to educational research with particular emphasis on the appropriate analysis of data arising from designed experiments. A variety of experimental designs, their advantages and disadvantages, estimation of treatment effects, and significance testing are treated. Various types of analysis of variance are introduced from the general linear models framework. Both univariate and multivariate procedures of data analysis including ANOVA, ANCOVA and MANOVA are covered for within and between subjects’ analysis as well as factorial and nested designs. Assumptions underlying the appropriate use of each of the procedures and the interpretation of the results are also covered.
This course focuses on the construction and use of measures of cognitive achievement and ability. Topics include test planning, item writing, test try-out, item analysis, reliability, validity, criterion-referencing, norm-referencing, item banking, and aptitude test design. Students write items, critique items written by others, construct tests, try out and revise tests, and develop test manuals to document the process of test development and the quality of their tests. Students will also set standards for the tests constructed. Issues on the principles and practice of school-based assessment are discussed.
This course examines classical test theory and the application to the practice of assessment. At a foundational level, model assumptions are explored and used to understand the development of different notions of reliability and dependability. At a practical level, statistical techniques developed from the theory are applied to develop and/or improve assessment practices. Topics treated include true score model of classical test theory and its assumptions and properties, similarities and differences between parallel, tau-equivalent, essentially tau-equivalent, and congeneric tests, methods for estimating reliability and validity. An item and reliability analysis will be conducted and results used to develop a new test or improve an existing one.
In this course, the student will critically examine issues related to special education assessment policies, the selection of appropriate assessment instruments (e.g. the use of formal and informal assessment techniques), the role of the multi-disciplinary team, and parental involvement. More emphasis will be placed on assessment procedures in Ghana. At the end of the course, the student should be able to adopt appropriate assessment procedures that meet the needs of the child.
The course exposes students to a variety of approaches to planning and conducting educational evaluations. It also provides practical guidelines for general evaluation approaches in education. The role of evaluation in improving education, basic concepts and procedures for evaluating educational programmes in applied settings and alternative views of evaluation conducting and using evaluations are examined. Students will be expected to carry out a mini project on educational evaluation and present the evaluation report.
This course is intended to enhance students’ knowledge and competency in constructing achievement tests and interpreting the test scores. Topics for the course include test theory, classical true score theory, reliability, validity, standard setting, classical item analysis, test equating theory and fundamentals of item response theory.