The trainee will be required to research into a topic related to Clinical Health Psychology and submit a write-up between 120 and 150 pages.
The overall goal of the programme is to provide individuals with adequate graduate knowledge of educational measurement, research, statistics and evaluation methodologies to be able to teach and provide measurement and evaluation (assessment) services in relevant institutions and organisations with confidence.
The objectives of the programmes are to equip the graduate to acquire:
- Adequate understanding of theories and principles in educational measurement and evaluation thereby becoming more confident and innovative in integrating theory and practice to promote scientific uses of measurement within the field of education and related disciplines.
- Professional competencies and skills to teach assessment, educational statistics, measurement and evaluation and research methods courses at appropriate levels
- Professional skills to undertake research in the area of assessment, measurement and evaluation.
- Skills to lead in educational assessment, measurement and evaluation in the regional and district education offices, colleges of
- Education and other educational institutions.
- Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service
- College of Education (Tutors)
- Security Services, NGOs
- Training Units of institutions
A successful applicant would be offered a probationary admission as a Postgraduate Research Student [PRS] for the first year. Students may progress to the second year after having satisfied the following conditions:
- Completed all courses required at the masters level
- Obtained a CGPA of 2.5 or better
- Taken a course in academic writing and passed
- Successfully defended a final research proposal before a department examining panel
A non- research master’s degree candidate seeking admission to the MPhil Programme must:
- Have obtained a CGPA of 2.5 or better in the masters course work
- Submit an official transcript of academic record
- Submit at least two referee’s report one of which must be from a former lecturer
- Submit a proposal of 2-3 pages on the intended area of study including references
- Satisfy any additional requirements prescribed by the colleges/faculties /schools /institutes/departments. This may include relevant work experience and written entrance examination and / or interview.
The focus of this placement will be working with adults and older adults who have mental health and physical health related issues. There will also be specialist placement in substance abuse disorders. Case studies 3 & 4 will be based on this particular placement.
All clinical placements will be based on application of theories and therapies learned. This placement will cover assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with mental health and physical health related issues. It will also include working with individuals with special educational needs. Case studies 1 & 2 will be based on this particular placement.
Theories and treatment/therapy approaches underlying new wave psychological therapies including Eye Movement Desensitisation and Processing (EMDR) will be the focus. It will also introduce students to spiritual psychology and therapy approaches. Topics will include Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Clinical Meditation. Their evidence-base for specific psychological issues will be discussed.
Trainees will be introduced to issues relating to professional practice and professionalism. Client safety and confidentiality as well as professional note recording and keeping are major aspects of this course as they relate to legal concerns in the profession. Media relations will also be addressed in this course.
Introduction to theoretical underpinnings of core treatment/ therapies in clinical and health psychology will be discussed. These therapies include behaviour therapy, cognitive therapy, cognitive-behaviour therapy, assertiveness skills training and problem-solving approaches. Other therapies such as psychodynamics and assertiveness skills will be discussed.
The focus of this course will be on the theories and models in health psychology. Mind-body interaction and positive psychology will be discussed in this course. Health promotion and prevention of illnesses will be discussed. Cardiovascular problems, sickle cell management, pain management, diabetes management and psychophysiological disorders as well as quality of life will be addressed and emphasised.
This is an extension of biological basis of behaviour with special reference to neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. The mechanism of action of various antipsychotic and anxiolytic drugs will be discussed with reference to their cognitive, emotional and behavioural effects. Students will be introduced to psychiatric diagnostic categories, the uses and limitations of the classificatory systems (DSM V and ICD 10). Treatment and relapse prevention strategies will also be discussed. The course presents to trainees theories of substance abuse and addiction. Psychosocial effects of illegal substances in the Ghanaian context will be addressed. Treatment approaches, rehabilitation and relapse prevention will also be discussed.
Various assessment tools and their relevance in the Ghanaian context will be introduced. Assessment tools for personality, cognition, emotions and behaviours in both children and adults will be introduced. The rationale for the use of such tools will be discussed. It will also introduce trainees to principles of case formulation and treatment strategies. Application of psychological theories and models of human development across the lifespan will be the focus in case formulation. Emphasis will be placed on evidence-based formulation.