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Students will be introduced to African dance in this course, including traditional dances from Ghana and other West African countries. In addition to the application of a variety of dance techniques in choreographies, the course sensitises students to the important interrelation between dance movements and cues played on the drums.
This course builds on Foundation Accounting I, and consolidates the mastery of financial accounting principles, conventions, and procedures within the framework of the International Financial Reporting Standards and the provisions of Ghana’s Companies Act (Act 179, 1963). The course emphasises the preparation of financial statement for partnerships, companies, and non-profit making organisations. Also, students are introduced to special accounting procedures and practices, for example, those tailored to the needs of manufacturing organisation.
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This is a continuation of Fundamentals of Business I. It explores other key functional areas and aspects of business including international trade, financial institutions, documents and methods of payment used in business, securities market, insurance, foreign exchanges market, money and monetary policies. Emphasises is laid on how these institutions help promote businesses and economic development.
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