Debators UCC Club

The University of Cape Coast has emerged as the winner of the 6th annual edition of the Ghana Universities Debate Championship held at All Nations University College, Koforidua.
The competition spanned from 18th to 27th July 2019.

UCC defeated the defending champions, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and one-time champion, the University of Ghana (UG) to clinch the victory. The win is the first for the University of Cape Coast since the inception of the competition ending their six-year’s drought.

The retirees with the Pro Vice-Chancellor

The University has held a Send-Off and Long Service Awards Ceremony for 87 members of staff who retired from active service this year.

The 2019 retirees comprise 24 Senior Members, 34 Senior Staff and 29 Junior staff. Each staff was presented with certificates, household items and an undisclosed amount of cash. 

Launching of Boxing is no cake

The African Humanities Programme (AHP) has launched a book authored by Prof. De-Valera N. Y. M. Botchway, of the Department of History, University of Cape Coast, on the social history of boxing in Ghana with a spotlight on the three-time boxing champion, Azumah Nelson.

Presentation of a citation to Prof Boohene

Auburn University (AU), United States of America (USA) has honoured the outgoing Dean of the Centre for International Education (CIE) for her significant contributions towards strengthening the collaboration between the University of Cape Coast (UCC) and AU.
A citation presented to Prof. Boohene by the Director of Outreach Global, Dr. Elizabeth Ivy Essamuah-Quansah, acknowledged her extraordinary support and commitment towards AU Outreach-UCC Capacity Development and Community Outreach Programme in Ghana.

Appointment of Provosts/Directors

At its special meeting held on Thursday, 25 July, 2019, the University Governing Council on the recommendation of the Appointments and Promotions Board has appointed the following Senior Members as Provosts /Directors with effect from 1st August, 2019.


The Provosts and their Colleges are as follow

Prof. Isaac Kojo Angnangsoore Galyuon        College of Distance Education

Prof. Ernest Kofi Davis                                    College of Education Studies

Exhibition at the programme

As part of the United Nations’ (UN) World Youth Skills Day Celebration (WYSD), the Department of Vocational and Technical Education, which is a member of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation- International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO-UNEVOC), has organised an exhibition aimed at Inspiring the Youth and Improving their Perception about the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).” 

Members of GAUA with the dignitaries

The Ghana Association of University Administrators has launched its 40th Anniversary celebration with a call on members to build their capacities and remain relevant to contribute effectively towards addressing the complex issues affecting Higher Education in Ghana.

The launch of the Anniversary was performed as part of the 2019 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Workshop Series and Mini Congress. The CPD which was hosted by the University of Cape Coast (UCC) was on the theme “Professional Development in the 21st Century University Administration”.

Pro Vice-Chancellor with the graduates cutting the graduation cake

A graduation ceremony has been held for the second cohort of the University of Cape Coast and the University at Buffalo Leadership Empowerment Programme on campus.

A total of 31 postgraduate students who enrolled in the one-year programme were presented with certificates and medals from the University at Buffalo, Center for Leadership & Organizational Effectiveness at the ceremony.
