Participants of the Curriculum Development workshop

The Department of Labour and Human Resource Studies (DOLAHRS), of the School for Development Studies, has held a three-day curriculum development workshop.
The workshop held with sponsorship from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) was aimed at developing Masters and Doctor of Philosophy Degrees as well as short courses for the Department.

Executives with some members of GSA

The Ghana Science Association (GSA), UCC Branch, has held a handing-over ceremony to usher in new Executives. 

New President's Address

In his acceptance speech, the new President, GSA, Prof. Michael Buenor Adinortey, expressed profound gratitude to the former executives and the entire membership of the association for the opportunity and confidence reposed in the new executives to serve the Branch. He indicated he believed that the entire membership would continue to support the smooth running of the association’s affairs.

A section of the Award winners

The School of Business has presented awards to 308 students who excelled in their academic work for the 2017/2018 academic year at the 2019 Deans Awards Ceremony.
Each of the awardees obtained a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.6 and above at the end of the academic year.

The Minister for Education with members of UCC Council

The reconstituted Governing Council of the University of Cape Coast has been inaugurated at a ceremony at the Ministry of Education in Accra. 
The inauguration became necessary following the end of the term of the previous Council on July 2019.

The American Ambassador with the Pro VC and other officials of the University

The United States Ambassador to Ghana, Her Excellency, Stephanie S. Sullivan, has paid a working visit to the University to strengthen the relationship between the Embassy and UCC.

UCC-US Embassy Relationship

Receiving the Ambassador, the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof Dora F. Edu-Buandoh, noted that the University over the years has had a cordial relationship with the Government of the US and other academic institutions through the Embassy. 

The UTAG executives with some members of Management

The University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), UCC Chapter has held a handing-over and swearing-in ceremony for newly-elected executives.

UCC delegation who took part in the workshop

A five-member delegation from the Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (ACECoR) of the University of Cape Coast participated in the second ACE Impact Workshop in Dakar, Senegal from September 24 -27, 2019. 

The workshop, organised by the World Bank and coordinated by the Association of African Universities (AAU), saw the participation of forty-six (46) Centres of Excellence from across Africa involving twelve (12) countries including Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea, Cote D’Ivoire, Togo, Cameroon, Djibouti, Senegal, and Niger. 

Students swearing the Matriculation Oath

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has indicated that the University trains its students to become responsible citizens who will contribute to national development in a patriotic and result-oriented manner. 
He noted that it was the expectation of the University that its students would imbibe the virtues of self-discipline and care, good mode of dressing, general comportment and fidelity to their studies and work before they enter into the world of work.

A section of PhD graduates at the 5th Session of the 52nd Congregation

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has noted that the University continues to chart innovative paths to respond to international needs through teaching, research and community engagement. 
Prof. Ampiah explained that the University had continued to significantly transform its knowledge base, mode of delivery and academic support, especially for graduate studies.

The Vice-Chancellor made these remarks at the fifth session of the 52nd Congregation for the School of Graduate Studies. 

Display of by some students of Entomology and Conservation Biology

Hundreds of people patronised the 2019 Open Day Exhibition held at the forecourt of the Sam Jonah Library as part of activities for the 52nd Congregation.
The event, which is held annually, served as an opportunity for the general public to acquaint themselves with research works, discoveries, as well as projects being undertaken by various departments in the University.  
