In this course, topics highlighted include: Concepts such as employment, unemployment and under- employment will be explained and operationalised in Ghana. Labour Migration implications for urban and rural labour markets; Jobs and skill demands in the modern economy as well as wage determination and income distribution differences will be discussed. The course will also deal with working conditions in Ghana; labour market discrimination; sources of employment growth in Ghana; government and Labour unions in and industrial relations practice in Ghana.
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The principles of democratic participation are discussed in this course. Also, to be discussed are: the concept and principles of democracy; democratic institutions and their roles; trade union internal democracy; elements of democratic participation; democratic participation at various levels; gender relations and democratic participation; existing forms of democratic participation at the workplace; and national and international trends in democratic participation.
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The Top-Up programme will bridge the gap and help M. Ed (Mathematics) degree holders to upgrade themselves academically by pursuing an M. Phil (Mathematics) degree programme in their respective subject areas in Mathematics. The Top-Up programme will help in fulfilling the National Council for Tertiary Education requirement for teachers who want to teach at the Colleges of Education and other tertiary institutions to get an M. Phil degree in their areas of specialization, as proposed in the scheme of service for staff of tertiary education in Ghana.
The goal of the M.Phil Programme is to produce trained and qualified teachers or tutors in Mathematics Education.
The objectives of the programme are to produce research-based master’s degree holders who will be:
- equipped with the requisite content knowledge and pedagogic skills in Mathematics Education that will enable them to take up teaching and non-teaching jobs after their programme;
- trained to undertake applied research in mathematics-related courses for the purpose of solving educational problems in society;
- equipped with knowledge and understanding of theoretical and practical approaches used for engaging in curriculum decision making in Mathematics Education; and
- able to provide direct services to the Ministry of Education, the Ghana Education Service, the National Council for Tertiary Education, the National Accreditation Board and other stakeholders in education.
To serve universities, polytechnics/technical universities, colleges of education and other relevant higher educational institutions in Ghana.
Prospective applicants for the M. Phil (Mathematics Education) programme should satisfy the following admission requirements:
- Should have obtained a CGPA of 2.5 or better in the Master of Education (M. Ed) course work.
- Should have obtained not more than one grade “C” in the Master of Education (M. Ed) Course work.
- Should have obtained a “B” score or better in the Master of Education (M. Ed) Research Methods course.
The focus of this course is to provide students with the knowledge for understanding the structure and operation of the Ghanaian informal and rural economy and trade union efforts at organising and defending labour interests within informal economy. Specific topics to be treated are: Definition of the rural and urban informal economy; approaches to conceptualising informal economy; Informal economy growth factors such as globalisation; labour relations in the informal economy; labour force needs in the Informal economy and organising labour in the rural and urban informal economy.
This course seeks to introduce students to the concepts and practice of negotiation. It will treat notions of power and how power relations are played out during negotiations. The legal instruments used in negotiation, skills required for negotiations as well as the actual processes of negotiation are all treated. Also, to be treated are Planning negotiations and conflict resolution in the negotiation.
This course focuses on the application of statistical methods to educational problems
This course will examine various psychological theories which underpin effective teaching and learning of mathematics.