The course introduces students to concepts in economics such as scarcity and choice, price determination, theories of household decisions, theories of consumer behaviour, production and cost decisions of firms, and different forms of market structures. Other issues include analysis of the impact of government policies on the decisions of various economic agents.
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All M.Com students are expected to carry out a one-year research work under the supervision of two lecturers. The objective of the course is for students to identify a research problem in the area of specialisation, develop the right approach and carry out such research.
This is a continuation of Seminar I. The aim of the course is to monitor the progress of students with respect to the writing of their thesis. Students present the last two chapters of their thesis (analysis, discussion, conclusions and recommendations) to faculty and their colleagues. Furthermore, the seminar prepares students for writing their final research report and the oral examination on their thesis.
Students present the first three chapters of their thesis (introduction, literature review and the research methods) to faculty and other students. The aim is for students to receive feedback from their colleagues and other invited experienced researchers at such seminars. The course also includes listening to resource persons. An emphasis is placed on theory and practice from one's area of specialisation.
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