This course presents the student with advanced techniques for analysing the behaviour of solutions of ordinary differential equations. Topics include linear systems with isolated singularities, linearisation of systems of differential equations, asymptotic behaviour of non-linear systems: stability, perturbation of systems having a periodic solution, perturbation theory of two-dimensional real autonomous systems.
This course presents the student with advanced techniques for analysing the behaviour of solutions of ordinary differential equations. Topics include systems of first order linear differential equations, existence and uniqueness of solutions; adjoint systems, linear system associated with a linear homogeneous differential equation of order n, adjoint equation to a linear homogeneous differential equation, Lagrange Identity, linear boundary value problems on a finite interval; homogeneous boundary value problems and Green’s function; non-self-adjoint boundary value problems, self-adjoint eigenvalue problems on a finite interval, the expansion and completeness theorems, oscillation and comparison theorem for second-order linear equations and applications.
This course covers major theorems in Functional Analysis that have applications in Harmonic and Fourier, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. Topics covered include: linear spaces, semi-norms, norm, locally convex spaces, linear functional, Hahn-Banach theorem, factor spaces, product spaces conjugate spaces, linear operators, and adjoints.
This course is aimed at helping students to combine practice and theory to become a reflective science teacher. It will enable students to become innovative and flexible in their teaching practice. It will also guide them to draw on knowledge and experience, and relate them to what they do in practice.
The course provides trainees’ opportunities to develop their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and skills to design, enact and evaluate ICT-based lessons using a variety of ICT tools that support different teaching and learning strategies. Students will also be able to use Predictive Analytics Software (PASW) in analyzing data.
This course emphasizes the following: Application of Microsoft Office Suits in science teaching; Using of ICT tools for active learning of science (Blogs, Mind mapping tools, Interactive Simulations); Demonstration of skills in ICT in the delivery of science lessons; and PASW.
This course covers major theorems in Functional Analysis that have applications in Harmonic and Fourier, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. Topics covered include: Hilbert space as an infinite dimensional generalization of geometric spaces; linear closed subspaces and orthogonality, linear transformations, projections, and spectral theory.
The course is to equip students with the skills in assessing the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of behaviours of their prospective science students. It will examine, among others, the general science assessment techniques, characteristics of good science tests, different types of science test items, and continuous assessment of science students. It will also take a critical look at the current modes of internal and external examinations in science in Ghana.
This course emphasizes the following: nature of assessment of students; goals and learning objectives of instruction; characteristics of tests in science; planning of classroom tests and assessments; construction and validation of science assessment instruments; providing guidelines for assembling and administering classroom tests; item analysis; interpretation of test scores obtained from students; and development of science performance-based assessment instrument.
In this course, students learn specific skills in a non-threatening environment, get feedback from peers and supervisors. The specific teaching skills and practices include questioning techniques, use of the chalkboard and other audio-visual resources, systematic presentation and lesson closure. Also, opportunities are provided for students to observe good models of teaching through video presentations and demonstration of specific teaching techniques.
Limit and continuity of functions of several variables; partial derivatives, differentials, composite, homogenous and implicit functions; Jacobians, orthogonal curvilinear coordinates; multiple integral, transformation of multiple integrals; Mean value and Taylor’s Theorems for several variables; maxima and minima with applications.
This course seeks to equip student-teachers with skills to enable them to handle physics practicals competently. Students will be exposed to various ways to inculcate scientific inquiry skills into physics students.
This course introduces students to the various practical and experimental skills. Students will learn how to plan and design physics experiments, organize and handle equipment, collect data, record data, plot suitable graphs and interpret data. Students will be taken through how to organize selected physics practicals in the SHS physics syllabus.