Sources of financing P.E. and Sport, i.e government, indirect solicitation, direct solicitation, interest income, sponsorship, and licensing, will be explored. General principles of marketing and their application to sports will be discussed.
Sources of financing P.E. and Sport, i.e government, indirect solicitation, direct solicitation, interest income, sponsorship, and licensing, will be explored. General principles of marketing and their application to sports will be discussed.
The course examines the major theories of curriculum planning, implementation and evaluation, Political, economic, philosophical and sociological implication in curriculum development are examined. Practical examination of curricula and curricular issues from pre-school to university level are discussed. The course considers traditional and contemporary methods of instruction. Emphasis is placed onthe development of interactive learning strategies. A variety of methods of evaluating student learning are presented.
This course examines the concept of sports from historical and cultural perspectives. It examines the role of sports in different societies as well as specific major sport events such as school, African, and Olympic Games.
In this course the student will study how the internal and external forces acting on the human body influence the outcome of performance of motor skills or in human motion. It will cover such basic concepts as forms of motion, linear and angular kinematics, linear and angular kinetics.
The course will involve meaning of organisational climate and its effect on Motivation and performance and how climate is developed. Organisational behaviour systems and models will be discussed. Management functions and the interplay between organisation and management will receive attention. Management styles used in organising physical education and sports programmes in schools will also be looked at.
This course takes a look at the historical background of testing and measuring evaluation as a part of teaching, statistical techniques, construction and use of motor and knowledge tests, criteria for test selection, administering a test programme, interpretation and use of test results and supported by adequate practical work.
The course is designed to prepare students to be leaders of, and advocates for quality physical education and sport programmes. The course emphasizes academic excellence, the pursuit of knowledge, the development of critical and analytical abilities, and the application of theory into practice so students will assume positions of leadership within the physical education and sports settings. It deals with leadership qualities and skills necessary for administration. It involves the study of types of administrators and or leaders and their philosophies and theories as applied to physical education and sports.
The objective of the course is to help students use both qualitative and quantitative Procedures to analyse human movement in activities of daily living and in specialized Skills in exercise and sport. Additionally psychological factors affecting sport will also be discussed.
The course deals with leadership qualities and skills necessary for administration. It involves the study of types of administrators and or leaders and their philosophies and theories as applied to physical education and sport.
This course is complementary to EPH 801. It aims at equipping students with various intermediate techniques of analysing and reporting data. The course involves a practical component that interfaces students with extensive use of computer data analysis tools, such as SPSS. In EPH 802, most illustrations are selected from Health, Physical Education and Recreation.