The course aims at identifying current health issues and diseases affecting both pregnant women and children globally. The course will examine the impact of various common health problems at different stages of the life cycle and their functional outcomes in terms of morbidity, mortality, psychological wellbeing, reproduction and growth. Students will also examine epidemiological literature on maternal and childhood diseases in developed and developing countries. Evaluation of various programmes and resources available to combat health and nutritional problems will be conducted. Discussions on the role of various international organizations will be done in the context of socioeconomic development and current political or economic policies and realities.
This course is complementary to EPH 801. It aims at equipping students with various intermediate techniques of analysing and reporting data. The course involves a practical component that interfaces students with extensive use of computer data analysis tools, such as SPSS. In EPH 802, most illustrations are selected from Health, Physical Education and Recreation.
This course is an examination of both quantitative and qualitative approaches to scholarly enquiry. It looks at fundamental designs under each approach and the methodological issues involved. The course is designed to assist students to design, implement and report their research projects. In EPH 801, most illustrations are selected from Health, Physical Education and Recreation.
The purpose of this course is to examine theoretical and ethical basis of health promotion. It provides students with the opportunity to examine literature to identify the fundamental assumptions of health promotion interventions and the degree to which they work. Emphasis will be placed on development of efficacious, equitable and sustainable health interventions. Critical issues to be considered include the dilemma of a paradigm shift from curative to prevention and promotion and leadership challenges in multisectoral approach to health promotion. Students will also critically examine the knowledge brokering in health promotion including healthcare systems. Students will develop competency in selecting or designing innovative health interventions that are based on solid evidence and be able to translate research evidence into policy and health programmes.
The course has two related components. First, it provides opportunity for students to do in-depth analysis of multiple approaches and processes to health needs assessment including community change model and population health framework. The other part of the course covers theories and principles for planning community health intervention programmes to maximise efficacy, accountability and sustainability.
The course aims at identifying current health issues and diseases affecting both pregnant women and children globally. The course will examine the impact of various common health problems at different stages of the life cycle and their functional outcomes in terms of morbidity, mortality, psychological wellbeing, reproduction and growth. Students will also examine epidemiological literature on maternal and childhood diseases in developed and developing countries. Evaluation of various programmes and resources available to combat health and nutritional problems will be conducted. Discussions on the role of various international organizations will be done in the context of socioeconomic development and current political or economic policies and realities
Students are taken through the process of identifying health needs of children from pre-school through the teen ages. The course helps students to identify different health needs of students using the broad wellness approach. Health needs will be assessed through the physical, social, emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual and environmental dimensions.
The course aims at introducing the common childhood diseases, what is the pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical presentation (sign and symptoms), how they are managed and preventive measures or prophylaxis. This course is designed to equip the students with information and knowledge about causative agents of childhood diseases and how to prevent these diseases. It will also give them understanding of the diseases and thus the capacity to design appropriate health education messages to enable the public prevent the diseases.
The course aims at introducing the common childhood diseases, what is the pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical presentation (sign and symptoms), how they are managed and preventive measures or prophylaxis. This course is designed to equip the students with information and knowledge about causative agents of childhood diseases and how to prevent these diseases. It will also give them understanding of the diseases and thus the capacity to design appropriate health education messages to enable the public prevent the diseases.
The course examines the components and principles of the school health program. Human and material resource development and management is discussed in the context of different environments.