Theoretical and practical considerations in health behaviour change are examined. Health behaviour is defined and different kinds of health behaviour identified (e.g. health-seeking behaviour, illness behaviour, health compromising behaviour, and health promoting behaviour). Discussions will cover both volitional and addictive behaviours. General techniques of behaviour change (both passive and active) and their strengths and weaknesses will be examined. The course may include a practical component.
The course is an examination of the interrelation between nutrition and health. The course will discuss both macro and micro nutrients, effects of their deficiency or excess, and ways to prevent or correct such problems. Issues will be related to different age groups, occupations, geographic locations, etc.
This course builds on introductory knowledge in epidemiology. It revises descriptive data collection and analysis in epidemiology. It covers elementary standardization of crude rates and ratios. It will focus mainly on designing, conducting and reporting case control and cohort studies.
Theoretical, Philosophical, psychological and Ethical issues applied in Health Education. Theories of health behaviour change may include health beliefs, planned behaviour, stage and social cognitive theories. Philosophical issues in the definition and conceptualization of health are considered. Application of philosophical principles to the provision and funding of health in society. There will be an introduction to health psychology. The course will also examine general principles of ethics in health and education, such as equity and utilitarianism.
The course examines the major theories of curriculum planning, implementation and evaluation, Political, economic, philosophical and sociological implication in curriculum development are examined. Practical examination of curricula and curricular issues from pre-school to university level are discussed. The course considers traditional and contemporary methods of instruction. Emphasis is placed on the development of interactive learning strategies. A variety of methods of evaluating student learning are presented.
This is basically a computer literacy course. It aims at equipping students with various intermediate techniques of analysing and reporting data. The course involves a practical component that interfaces students with extensive use of computer data analysis tools, such as SPSS. It also involves word processing, spreadsheet, CD-ROM, the use of internet tools for research and information (such as supercourse, listservs, and database search), and e-mail. The main emphasis of the course is to explore how teaching and learning can be done effectively with available computer services.
This course is an examination of both quantitative and qualitative approaches to scholarly enquiry. It looks at fundamental designs under each approach and the methodological issues involved. The course is designed to assist students to design, implement and report their research projects. In EPH 801, most illustrations are selected from Health, Physical Education and Recreation.
This course provides opportunity for students to examine literature, identify community approaches to health promotion and their effectiveness. Some models to be considered will include community development and community organisation approaches to health promotion. Students will also critique community health promotion programmes and interventions, their strengths and weaknesses. Students will critically examine theories and models that form the basis of these community health promotion programmes and how inter-agency collaboration affects health promotion interventions. Students will undertake field work at some agencies working on community health promotion programmes.
The focus of this course is the analysis of general and work environment to identify potential, eminent and real health and safety hazards (both natural and man-made) in order to proffer solutions. Both physical and psychosocial environment will be assessed. Health hazards emanating from the nature of jobs and the work environments will also be analysed. The principles of quantitative health and environmental risk assessment of toxicants will be presented. Qualitative and quantitative skills necessary to evaluate the probability of injury, disease, or death in the general population and workers from exposure to environmental contaminants and workplace hazards are discussed. Hazardous identification, exposure assessment, dose-response evaluation and risk characterization will be emphasized. Students may work with relevant institutions (EPA) to carry out environmental and occupational health and safety risk assessment. The impact of climate change and its related national and international agreements or treaties on the environment will be examined critically. Students capacity will be enhanced to enable them develop systems and procedures for risk assessment.
The role of health in physical, social and economic development is examined. Both positive and negative implications of the reciprocal relationship between health status and individual, community and national and global development are examined. Structures, programmes and interventions at managing health at individual, local, national, regional and global levels are considered. Emerging challenges in health status and healthcare delivery system including funding, access, quality and social justice issues will be discussed. The course also discusses in details the roles of politics and political decisions in influencing the health and development at the levels of individual, local, national, regional and global. It further interrogates and critically analyse the contributions of key international health and related organisations in development and health development at the local, national, regional and global levels.