The course will introduce students to legal terminology, philosophy and practice as applied to physical education and sport. It will cover legal and ethical principles in teaching, coaching, and competitive sports.
The goal of this course is to provide students the opportunity to apply general coaching theories and principles in coaching specific sports. Students will be attached to local teams to study and report on coaching practices of the teams and discuss ways to improve such practices.
The focus of the course explores administrative, leadership and organizational issues and skills in health, physical education and leisure programmes in and outside the school. Students also acquire knowledge on factors that promote or inhibit organization and administration of health and sports programmes.
The course is the culminating activity of the professional education sequence. The student spent the first semester of the final yearin a selected off-campus school sites for teaching practice.While on the field, the student is required to adhere to established policies and procedures of the school system in addition to those policies and procedures established by the University. The course is designed to enable the teacher trainee to engage in competent reflective decision making while teaching, demonstrating professionalism, scholarship and sensitivity to individual and communal interests. Standards of good practice and ethical, professional behaviour as laid down by the GES should be maintained.
This course recognizes that secondary school students need guidance to be able to attain their full potential and maximize the benefits of their educational experience. It attempts to equip the stent with information that will enable him/her to facilitate this process in a secondary school setting.At the end of the course, student should be able to show a clear understanding of the guidance concept in the context of school personnel work, examine the principles under girding guidance practice, explore the services of a given guidance programme, show how they can be addressed and examine the role of guidance personnel.
The course is in two parts. The first part deals with the role of government and non-governmental bodies in the development and growth of formal education in Ghana. The second part examines administration theories and their influence on the management and administration of school systems in Ghana.
The course examines the concept of research and its approaches such as qualitative and quantitative designs. Students explore various ways by which data can be collected to answer simple research questions. Students are also introduced identifying research problems and basic skills of writing simple research proposal. The course will help students evaluate elementary research reports and serve as preparation for the student project (EPH 499).
The course is a survey of the role of nutrition in human development from conception to death. Students examine nutrition requirements at various stages in life, what happens when there is excess or inadequate nutrition, and how to promote wise nutrition choices. The course also introduces students to the roles nutrition in exercise and their influence on human health. Students acquire the skills of designing nutrition and exercise programmes to promote health for specific populations.
The course is to equip students with the basic concepts of epidemiology. Students will gain knowledge about measuring and interpreting patterns of disease occurrence; sources of data, epidemiological models of causation. Asthe study of disease patterns in society, this course will also introduce students to basic terminology in the study of human diseases occurrence and distribution. The course will cover the calculation and evaluation of basic epidemiological data, such as nativity, morbidity and mortality rates and ratios. Students will be introduced to epidemiological studies.
The course examines the reproductive system biologically and the health issues that arise at all the stages. It also covers non-reproductive sexual activity and its health implications as well as the laws governing these acts. Social, economic, and cultural factors surrounding sexual and reproductive activity and their implications are examined at the individual, community, national and global levels. Issues of marriage and divorce are discussed.