This course will offer the opportunity for students to learn issues relating to the Senior High School curriculum such as the scope, aims, objectives and the profile dimensions of the and their implications for pedagogy.
This is a practicum aimed at offering students the opportunity to design and implement research projects in education. Students will thus have the opportunity to put into practice what they learn in EMA 399: Research Methods in Education.
The course provides trainees’ opportunities to develop their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and skills to design, enact and evaluate ICT-based lessons using a variety of ICT tools that support different teaching and learning strategies.
This course is designed to exposes students to nature and functions of measurement in mathematics education.
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic idea of research, research terminologies and their meaning as well as the processes involved in conducting mathematics education research.
Students are expected to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to conduct small scale research studies in mathematics education.
This course will expose students to the principles of curriculum development in mathematics.
This course is designed to expose students to the study of the high school mathematics curriculum in Ghana.
This course is to equip student-teachers with pedagogical content knowledge in selected content of mathematics areas to enable them approach problems and
tasks in a variety of ways to reflect students’ different learning styles.
This course is designed to introduce students to psychology of teaching and learning mathematics at the High School level.
This course will examine arrangement and selection – application to probability. sampling distribution; statistical estimation – estimation of parameters, unbiased, efficient, point and interval estimates; expectation; random variable and probability distributions – binomial, poison, normal, student t- and chi-square; confidence – interval estimates of population parameters; test of significance concerning means and proportions – sample test (Z, t and X2) and regression and correlation coefficient.