Students will be taken through Basic Field Concepts; Review of Equations in Electrostatics; Magnetostatics and Electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s Equations, Electromagnetic Wave Equation; Poynting Theorem; Reflection and Refraction; Propagation in conducting and in Ionised Media; The Ionosphere.
This is a computation-oriented course aimed at enabling students to solve problems relating to square wells (finite and infinite), harmonic oscillators, the hydrogen atom and angular momentum. The computation includes calculating average values and obtaining possible outcomes of measurements for systems. It establishes the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and how they differ from classical mechanic. The Schrodinger equation will be used to solve one-dimensional problems and to predict the existence of phenomena like tunnelling and energy band gaps.
The course would provide a general introduction into subatomic Physics and this includes the structure of nuclei and particles, scattering theory and nuclear models, radioactivity, symmetries and conservation laws, the standard model (strong and electro-weak interactions), nuclear astrophysics and cosmology. The course is the basis for advanced courses in nuclear and particle Physics. Students would learn the biological effects of ionizing radiation as natural radioactive effects. Basic nuclear and particle Physics relations would be used to solve mathematical problems
This is an introductory course on satellite and radar meteorology where the physical principles underlying the operations of earth satellites and their sensors and the Radar are treated. Problems encountered in the interpretation of data are covered. The uses of satellite information in weather forecasting, soil moisture monitoring, dust haze occurrence and movement, drought occurrence are introduced.
This course covers in an elementary manner the basic concepts in meteorology and illustrates the application of physical and mathematical techniques to meteorological problems. Scales of motion: the structure and composition of the atmosphere the general circulation, energy sources and sinks, the balances of angular momentum, heat, water vapour and mass; atmospheric circulations will be treated.
This is an off-campus course taking in conjunction with the Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet). Basic/derived meteorological variables will be measured using simple meteorological instruments. Students will be introduced to autographic instruments and the maintenance of instruments. Students will also be introduced to WMO approved International Codes. Plotting of codes on meteorological weather charts will be treated. Students will practice the conversion of plotted codes to observation and vice versa.
The aim and domain of this course is to illustrate the essence of nanotechnology. The course will explore the tools of nanotechnology and nanomaterials, as well as explaination and discussion of the theory, applications and scientific experimentations on nanosciences and nanotechnologies.
A three part practical orientation programme conducted in collaboration with the Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet):
(i) Meteorological observing, plotting and the use of routine instruments.
(ii) Operational analyses and aviation forecasting techniques.
(iii) Climatological methods: statistical concepts, distributions and probabilities, coefficients of variation, estimation of extremes, regression, coefficients; significance, student's Fisher's and chi-squared tests.
Principles and techniques of optical engineering, including geometrical optics, optical fibers and systems, sources and detectors, measurements, imaging, lenses, wave optics, polarization, interference, diffraction, optical Fourier transforms, holography, interferometry, integrated optics, frequency conversion, interaction of light and matter.
There will be hands-on design and measurement of optical systems and components. Lens systems and imaging, fiber-optic communications and fiber-optic sensors, diffraction and Fourier Optics, interferometry, etc. Structured experiments and design projects centered on available equipment.
This is an introduction to the dynamics of liquids and gases. The following topics are discussed: compressibility of liquids and gases, continuity of mass and distribution of forces in fluids, conservation of mass and energy in fluid flows, Navier-Stokes equations, laminar and turbulent flow, flow in boundary layers, ideal fluids, Bernoulli’s equation, inhomogeneous fluids and gases.