Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) convert real-time measurement data to digital values for storage and/or processing by computers or embedded systems. These systems are commonly used in industrial, automotive, military, and medical applications, as well as multimedia signal processing and scientific research. This course helps students understand the fundamentals of real time embedded data acquisition systems: their architectures, components, algorithms, data storage and presentation.
This course provides the physics of solar energy production and utilization; a ubiquitous, inexhaustible, clean, and highly efficient way of meeting the energy needs of the twenty-first century. It is designed to give the students a solid footing in the general and basic physics of solar energy. Specific topics include: the solar energy resource, modelling and simulation, thermal and photovoltaic collectors, solar energy systems, special applications (solar heaters, material processing, etc.) and recent developments in solar technology.
This is continuation of Field theory I with emphasis on theoretical concepts of transmission lines, waveguides, cavity resonators, antennas and radiation, and optical properties of electric fields. It introduces the fundamentals of high frequency circuit analysis and design, from electromagnetic theory to microwave systems. Starting with a concise presentation of the electromagnetic theory, the course leads to passive and active microwave circuit and the understanding of different concepts of impedance matching. It also provides the concept of wave propagation in different transmission media and the wave reflection from a media interface. Students will learn to use the Smith Chart. Other topics include transmission of EM waves in the Ionosphere, Waveguides and Optical Properties of Electric Fields.
Symmetries and Invariance; Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics; Systems of identical Particles; Pauli Exclusion Principle; Invariance and Conservation Theorems; Approximation Methods; Stationary Perturbations; Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation; the Variational Principle; Field Quantization.
This course is designed for level 400 undergraduate Physics students. The main objectives of the course include describing simple structures in terms of a lattice and unit cell, understanding the cohesive energy between these structures and outlining how they may be determined. The course also treats basic features of coupled modes of oscillation of atoms in crystal lattice using the one-dimensional chain as a model and relates crystal properties (specific heat, thermal conductivity) to the behavior of these oscillations. The free-electron model and how it provides an explanation for many features of metallic behavior is also revised. The course also explains the basic features of semiconductors and relates this to simple semiconductor devices.
This course continues the study of data structures and algorithms, focusing on algorithm design and analysis and the relationships between data representation, algorithm design, and programme efficiency. Topics include advanced data structures, key algorithm design techniques, and characterising the difficulty of solving a problem in Octave language. Introduction to Fortran language for data structures, data analysis and visualisation. Control structures, numerical computing and programming techniques in Fortran. Hands-on assignments cover a wide variety of topics in General Physics. Prerequisite include Computing for Physics I.
This course has been designed as a follow-up to ENP 313 (Material Science I). It is mainly devoted to the construction and interpretation of phase diagrams for alloy system, how alloys relate to their microstructures and the kinetics of phase transformation. Different crystal growth techniques will be considered. The course also discusses some commercial alloys, their properties and use limitations. There will be an overview of the optical, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of engineering materials.
This course will introduce the theoretical foundations and practical implementation of signals, systems and transforms. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of signal and system analysis, focusing on representations of discrete-time and continuous-time signals and representations of linear, time-invariant systems. Applications are drawn broadly from engineering and physics, including feedback and control, communications, and signal processing. Team-based design projects involving modeling, classical compensator design and state variable feedback design.
This course builds on the first semester course ENP 307 and is designed to highlight some of the mathematical concepts in Engineering. Key topics treated include functions of complex variables, Bessel, gamma, beta and error functions, integral transforms, and Legendre polynomials.
This course exposes students to Semiconductor theory and p-n junction Diode, Rectifier Circuits, Thermionic Valves, Bipolar junction transistors. Students will also study thyristors and other semiconductor devices, Integrated Circuits, Power supplies. A.C. amplifiers, D.C. Amplifiers, Noise, Feedback, Oscillators including Multivibrators and non-sinusoidal oscillators, Pulse shaping, Electronics and measuring instruments.