This course will review atmospheric scales of motion and the equations of motion applicable to meso-scale motions. Topics include: tropical meso-scale systems; Cold and warm fronts; Energy source for meso-scale disturbances; Difficulties in studies of meso-scale systems and the effects of orography; Economic aspects of meso-scale systems; Rainfall production by meso-scale disturbances. Convection (cumulonimbus) models, Lands and sea breezes and their dynamics will also be reviewed.
This course is designed to introduce students to the concept of Divergence and Vorticity as applied in the analysis of all meteorological variables. Other topics covered are: Streamline to isogon and isotach analysis; surface and upper air charts; Gridding Techniques; Evaluations of DIV, VORT, and Vertical motion. The special problem of "Tropical Africa" analysis will also be studied.
This course covers the physics/micro-physics of evaporation and condensation in the formation of clouds and the use of satellite and weather radar for monitoring cloud development and precipitation.
The principal concepts of the equations in Electrostatics, Magnetostatics and Electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Wave Equation will be covered in this course. Other topics include: The transmission of EM waves in the Ionosphere, Wave guides and Optical Properties of Electric Fields.
This course will tackle aeronautical forecasting for take-off and landing which involves forecasting of all meteorological parameters and systems and the preparation of Flight documents. MET 405 is a prerequisite.
This course will introduce students to the atmospheric boundary layer and the simplifications used in describing the layer. Other variables used in describing the layer like: viscosity, wind profile, Ekman spiral. Richardson's number (Ri) and the Monin-Obukhov parameter will also be discussed. An introduction to atmospheric turbulence and its relation to transports of heat, moisture and momentum will also be covered.
This is a course designed to meet the needs of future Atmospheric and Climate Scientists. It provides the students with the tools that scientists use to solve scientific problems, gives them the opportunity to use these tools to design and perform experiments in a laboratory setting. The Classification, Sampling and Measurement Analysis of Large Experimental Data, Errors of Measurements are to be highlighted. It also enables students to become acquainted with the way scientific information is communicated.
This course covers coherence, light interaction with matter, scattering, absorption and dispersion. Electromagnetic spectrum. Light propagation, analytical ray tracing (matrix methods); langragian formulation of optics, Gaussian beams. Modulation transfer function, point spread function, guided waves.
Classification and conditions of intereference, types of interferometers. Diffraction: Fraunhoffer, Fresnel, Abbe and Babinet principles, Zone Plate, Rayleigh criterion.
Polarization by reflection and retarders.
Elements of Atmospheric optics, Introduction to lasers, Lidars and the DOAS technique.
This is a three part practical orientation programme conducted in collaboration with the Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) and it involves (i) Meteorological observing, plotting and the use of routine instruments. (ii) Operational analyses and aviation forecasting techniques. (iii) Climatological methods and statistical concepts.
This is a students' industrial work experience course that serves to impart valuable practical experiences that prepare meteorology and atmospheric physics students for the workforce upon graduation. The general objective of this course is to provide opportunities for the application of classroom knowledge to real-world situations. The specific objectives include providing a structured attachment programme with emphasis on applications, management and hands-on experience for the students to: (a) apply knowledge learned (b) acquire practical skills (c) strengthen work values (d) gain interpersonal skills.