This course is designed to highlight some of the mathematical concepts in Engineering. It encompasses topics such as complex analysis, Green’s functions, Laplacian in one dimension, Fourier and Taylor series and vector analysis.
This course would lay emphasis on wave theory of light, its properties including superposition of light waves. Light properties in matter would be discussed. Students would learn the concepts of light such as scattering, refraction, interference, diffraction, polarization and various forms of interferometers. The basic concepts of lasers would also be introduced. This course applies the principles of Optics in instrumentation and engineering.
This course continues the study of data structures. Topics include advanced data structures, key algorithm design techniques, and characterizing the difficulty of solving a problem in Octave language. Introduction to Fortran language for data structures, data analysis and visualization. Control structures, numerical computing and programming techniques in Fortran. Hands-on assignments cover a wide variety of topics in General Physics.
This is the practical component of PHY 204 and is designed to help students gain hands-on experience with laboratory equipment in line with electronic components and devices. Such experiments would include the construction and testing of half-wave and full-wave rectifiers, step-up and step-down transformers.
This is the practical component of PHY 202 and is intended to help students gain some hands-on experience with laboratory equipment as they perform experiments to enrich their understanding of some the theoretical concepts. Such experiments include the determination of Inductance, Reactance and Impedance of AC circuits.
This is a foundation course in analogue electronics and is meant to provide a comprehensive overview of the scope and dynamics of electricity and the fact that electronics refers to an extremely wide range of technology. Students will be introduced to the building blocks of electronics such as the semiconductor, power supplies, operational amplifiers, attenuators and transducers. Students will learn the theory and mathematics that govern the workings of the components that make up an electronic system.
This course seeks to equip students with standard information retrieval skills, data presentation and scientific report/research proposal writing. It will allow students to acquire experience and general research skills essential for academic and research study. Specific aims of this course include gathering and critically evaluating information which addresses a specific research question and critiquing published scientific papers. The skills learnt would be key to project work later in the degree programme. Topics to be covered will include types of bibliography and referencing, elements of scientific methods, experimental; design techniques, sampling and data analysis using statistical tools.
The course gives an introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity, with emphasis on some of its consequences. It covers phenomena such as the slowing down of clocks and the contraction of lengths in moving reference frames as measured by a stationary observer. The relativistic forms of momentum and energy as well as some consequences of the mass-energy relation, E = mc2 are also considered. The following are the details of the topics to be covered.
Brief introduction to the course, Classical Principle of Relativity: Galilean Transformation Equations, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, Lorentz Transformations, Velocity Transformation, Simultaneity of events, Lorentz contraction of lengths, Time Dilation ,Experimental Verification of Length Contraction and Time Dilation, Interval between events, Doppler’s Effect Relativistic Mechanics, Relativistic Expression for Momentum: Variation of Mass with Velocity, The Fundamental Law of Relativistic Dynamics, Mass-energy Equivalence, Relationship between Energy and Momentum, Momentum of Photon, Transformation of Momentum and Energy, Verification of Mass-energy Equivalence Formula.
This course provides students with a broad introduction into 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and modeling with a focus on construction- and architecture-specific applications. Students will learn how to use industry-leading CAD software programs (Autodesk AutoCAD and Trimble SketchUp) to model construction projects, and then create and distribute basic, industry-standard architectural drawings.
This couse will introduce students to Experimental basis of quantum theory, Quantization, Structure of the atom: Rutherford α-scattering, Classical atomic model, Characteristics of X-ray spectra and atomic number, Atomic excitation by electrons and photons, introduction to lasers and their applications.
Students will also be introduced to Wave properties of matter, Electron Spin, The Periodic Table, Crystalline solids, Semi-conductor theory and devices, Band theory of solids