This is the practical component of PHY102 and is designed to help students gain some hands-on experience with laboratory equipment as they perform experiments to enhance their understanding of some the theoretical concepts. Such experiments include the determination of the focal length of lenses and refractive index of glass block; investigation of Ohm’s law and determination of resistivity of materials.
Topics to be treated for the course are; Introduction optics, waves, electricity and magnetism: reflection and refraction on plane surfaces; lens formulae, thin lens in contact, characteristics of wave motion, sound waves, resonance, static electricity; the coulomb ; electric potential, capacitors, current.
This course is an introductory Organic Laboratory Processes which seeks to enable students acquire basic laboratory skills for the techniques of crystallisation, melting and boiling point determination; simple, fractional and steam distillation; refluxing liquid-liquid extraction; paper, thin-layer and colour chromatography.
This course introduces students to the molecular composition of structure, purification of organic compounds, detection of elements like C, H, N, S and the halogens in organic compounds. It will also cover topics such as calculation and determination of empirical and molecular formulae; structural and geometrical isomerism; pictorial treatment of sp, sp2, and sp3 hybridization in single, double and triple bonds in hydrocarbons.
The course provides a basic background in the various principles of Genetics with a focus on the cytological basis. It covers cell structure, nuclear divisions and chromosomal aberrations. These would illustrate the relevant cytological basis of Mendelian Genetics, Cytogenetics and Darwinian Evolution. The course also covers the DNA structure, the Genetic code based on the Central Dogma theory and the basis of microbial genetics. The concepts of recombinant DNA, Genetic engineering and Biotechnology would be mentioned.